It’s not a matter of surprise that many students are perceived as unmotivated. Too often, strategies that adults use to boost student achievement, such as raising academic standards and giving high-stakes standardized exam does not address the real reasons why students are disengaged. Students do not believe that their efforts will improve their performance. Even the most dedicated teachers and parents may be sending messages that leave children believing they don’t have what it takes to succeed. Individual students may suffer from physical, mental, or other personal problems that affect motivation.
Lack of motivation is a real and pressing problem. Students who are bored or inattentive or who put little effort to schoolwork are unlikely to benefit from better standards, curriculum, and instruction unless schools, teachers, and parents take steps to address their lack of motivation. Students are demotivated by the structure and allocation of rewards. A large number of high school students lack academic motivation.
Students see little value in the course or its content Educational outcomes in India are often very poor, especially in remote areas. Students have other priorities that compete for their time and attention. A nationwide survey found that 65 percent of children enrolled in grades 2 through 5 in government primary schools could not read a simple paragraph, and 50 percent could not do simple subtraction or division. The students do not perceive the classroom climate as supportive.
We at Study Plus Education Institute allow our students to work together, and let students with similar interests connect. We set up goals for them which are high but yet achievable through hard work. We create a friendly environment and allow our students to give us feedback for us to further improve. We track the progress of our students and provide them further opportunities for success.