The 2018 Annual International Career and College Counselling (IC3) Conference conducted on 30th August, 2019 in New Delhi acknowledged that India's 350 million students -- the biggest student population in the world -- need at least 1.4 million career counsellors to maintain a globally acceptable student-to-school-counsellor ratio. Recent reports indicates that the biggest concern for schools is the lack of career counselling cells that enable counsellors to guide students. Around 85% of students are concerned about which option to choose for higher education and 92% don’t get any career-related guidance from their schools
10th & 12th grade is the most crucial time for every student. They need extra attention and advice to be an extraordinary student. Complete guidance about renowned colleges and current career choices will help them avoid settling for the stereotypical Engineering or MBBS courses. Students need more awareness about the trending career paths & which one to pick as per their desire and ability. When expert counselling helps them to overcome these barriers. Therefore, students in India need the guidance of school counsellors today. Therefore, Career Counselling for Students is the NEED of an hour in India. There is a demand for Certified Career Counsellors in India.
Most countries all over the world follow Career Counselling practices at school. India is currently waking up to this reality. Millions of schools are in need of certified counsellors to conduct workshops for their students’ bright future. Lakhs of students appears for 10th and 12th board examination every year. There are thousands of parents & children who need the help and guidance of a professional Career Counsellor. Hence, there is an immense need for certified career counsellors in India to fit the requirement of schools as school counsellors.
Today, the youth of our country have to contend with numerous problems. Many of them are unemployed and frustrated. Because of the stress this causes, more and younger Indians are falling prey to depression, anxiety and other forms of mental illness. Much of the blame for this unfortunate state of affairs lies with our higher education institutions. Not only do they fail to provide quality education in most cases, they also don’t provide guidance in the form of career counselling. In this situation, the Indian youth are left to wander in the dark, not knowing what to do with their lives and their futures. Our students do not know their own strengths and weaknesses. They don’t even know what they want and what they should be aiming for.
We at StudyPlus Education Institute provides free Career Counselling for our students and other 10th passed students too. We create a friendly environment that allows our students to give us feedback for the further improvements.